Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Hi guys... Me is back from Penang..(not a very fun place except for the jet ski's, parachutte and char kway teow) I went there...bought a PSP game....ate char kway teow....its was a boring place. Erm... Notice: 19-22 December = Church camp.. If any of u is interested in coming pls inform me in the cbox!!!(SUPER FUN DE!!!!)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Today was the release of the PSLE results. I was totally nervous and tensed. Then when i got my results, i was disappointed.226!!! i can still get to ACSI but not RI. But my parents decided to ask me to go to Barker cause my big bro is in UK and it costs quite a lot. So they applied for Barker. Haiz..i guess i wont be seeing my friends for quite a long time. But we always got MSN don't we?

Thursday, November 23, 2006; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Yum!!! Penang Char Kway Teow.. I am going to have that everyday when I am in Penang

Tuesday, November 21, 2006; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Greetings... Nothing happened much today, just playing computer, reading(not much of a mum forced me) and tennis. Erm.. I will be leaving on a holiday trip to Penang so will not be around in Singapore. If you want to contact me, juz e-mail me.^^. One more thing..I am soooo nervous about my PSLE results..>.<

Tuesday, November 21, 2006; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Greetings... Nothing happened much today, just playing computer, reading(not much of a mum forced me) and tennis. Erm.. I will be leaving on a holiday trip to Penang so will not be around in Singapore. If you want to contact me, juz e-mail me.^^. One more thing..I am soooo nervous about my PSLE results..>.<

Tuesday, November 21, 2006; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Friday, November 17, 2006

Hi guys... Yesterday was the greatest day after my PSLE exams... I begged my parents to get me a PSP. Soon later, they agreed and i was like....XD. That night, i went to J8(Junction 8). i went to the game shop and i asked my friends(who is the boss there) how much a PSP was. He said,"$330 with a game." He took out a few games and it was all lame!!!! So I asked if he is selling Untold Legends 2(THE COOLEST GAME EVER!) and he said," ya, but cannot give you free." "Oh my!!! My friend wont even give me a new game free despite me being a loyal customer.>.<" So my parents appeared in the scene and bargained....(I was embarrassed!!) So I decided to take a leak. And when i came back... they got a lot of stuff at only $400!!! That was so cool.. I was totally amazed!!! Still... i felt embarrassed. But I hope as their son, i would have inherited their bargaining skill...HEHE

Friday, November 17, 2006; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Hi guys..... I finally got my cbox!! HOORAY!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

I need Help!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLs HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Hi blog is finished and is now ready for blogging!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Monday, November 13, 2006

Hello!! I am juzt trying to see my chat bow

Monday, November 13, 2006; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Thursday, November 09, 2006


Thursday, November 09, 2006; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Hello..I've done some touch ups!!.. With a friends help.. What do you think?

Thursday, November 09, 2006; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

Greetings fellow earthlings!!! Welcome to Jason's Blog!!...

Thursday, November 09, 2006; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

I have no idea what is going on

Thursday, November 09, 2006; noMUSIC; noLIFEY

13 years old

# fat and happy.


# Worshipping God.
# Blogging.
# Computer.


# Coffee.
# Bitter Gourd
# School.

can you hear me?

music to my ears.

run away.


Caleb #
my class#
yu zi #
deon #
Ms Vanessa #
Gabriel #
yu zi 2nd blog #
danyal #
jon goh #

catch me.

  • November 2006
  • December 2006
  • March 2007
  • April 2007